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Come behind the scenes of our latest boudoir session and see why I always encourage client’s to add a pop of color!

Add color to your boudoir session ♡.


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1.) Try on all your OUTFITS + remove all the tags

This is essential! Depending how many outfits are included in your collection of choice, please make sure you try them all on and remove all the tags. You want to like the fit and feel comfortable in them!

2.) Come with your hair clean + dry

Hair and make-up is always included in our top collections (with lashes).

However, if we have to blow dry your hair, there will be an additional charge, so please come to your session with clean (NO PRODUCT) dry hair!

3.) Add a pop of COLOR

I can’t encourage this enough! Black is clearly the most popular lingerie color of choice, but adding a pop of color is a stunning addition to your pictures and I can’t recommend it enough!

You can shop my favorite colorful sets here.

4.) Opt for thong style bottoms over booty shorts

I promise you, thongs and g-strings photograph SO much better than booty shorts. I can make any booty look amazing so don’t worry there ;).

5.) Share your insecurities up front

If you have areas of your body that aren’t your favorite or that you truly don’t love to photograph, share that with me. I want every client to love their pictures to the moon and back – so if you have areas you want to focus more or less on, you just let me know!

6.) Bring a pair of heels

There are several poses I love to include heels in so bring a pair along – a stiletto is perferred!

7.) Get HYPED!

Your boudoir shoot is literally a day devoted to YOURSELF! It is the ultimate self care/self love/ self expression experience. Everyone is always a little nervous leading up to their session, but I promise your fears will melt away once you get rolling :)! And you will look back at the pictures and cherish the for a lifetime!

7 Tips to Prepare for your Boudoir Photoshoot ♡.


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Summer boudoir only comes once a year and it’s the most fun to create! Here are my top tips for executing the perfect summer-themed boudoir session!

1.) Add WATER

Not to overstate the obvious but any kind of water is essential for a summer time boudoir session! So borrow a friend’s pool, get a hose, or just grab a spray bottle and give your skin a quick spritz. Body/tanning oil is also a great substitute.

2.) Add FRUIT

Fruit is a colorful + sexy addition to any summer boudoir session! I personally recommend oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit or watermelon. Squeeze and bite for full effect!

3.) Add ICE POPS

Just like fruit, ice pops are one of my favorite summer boudoir props – especially when you let them melt a little, the droplets look amazing in pictures.

4.) Go fully natural / no make-up

Summer boudoir is the time to embrace a natural face and some beachy hair. Ditch the excessive glam/lashes/hair extensions and bare it all. This is the time to wet your hair ;).

Enjoy all the spicy boudoir pictures below from my summer 2023 gallery!

4 Summer Summer Boudoir Tips ♡.


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Make sure the fit isn’t too loose

Lingerie should NOT be baggy!

If your lingerie is sagging off your skin, trust me, it won’t be flattering in your photos. “Baby doll” type lingerie sets are NOT recommended! I know many women like to hide their tummies + c-section scars, but I promise, one-piece lingerie or high-waisted undies looks WAY more stunning in photographs. And either will do just the trick for covering up areas you’re not 100% comfortable with.


Bring a COLOR set

Black will always be one of my favorite colors to photograph, because it’s naturally sexy and looks good on virtually everyone. However, I truly recommend bringing at least one color piece to your session. Tossing in a color may be out of your comfort zone, but it truly puts the best twist on your boudoir images. My favorite lingerie colors to photograph are royal blue, yellow, sea-foam green and hot pink.


Thongs are a MUST!

I have all the tricks to make any booty look amazing, so don’t cover yours up with booty shorts. I know showing a little skin can be scary, but when it comes to boudoir … the more the better. Make sure you pick a lingerie set that dresses up the booty in the best way. Here are some of my favorites!


Dress it down!

Although Tom Sandoval would not agree, doing something as simple as a cropped t-shirt and jeans for your boudoir session is an incredible look. It’s simple, effortless, sexy, REAL. I can’t recommend just going extra simple if lingerie just isn’t your thing. Hell, even topless truly makes for the best boudoir pictures.


I promise, you deserve this ♡.

Empowering you,
Marla Chicky



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If I had a dollar for every time a client told me they can’t do a boudoir session UNTIL they _______. Fill in the blank negative talk about their body. I truly would be the next Kardashian :).

Although I completely understand wanting to be in a comfortable place with your body before your photoshoot, you don’t need to be in the PERFECT place.

As women, we are always just 10-15-20 more pounds away from this ever elusive “perfect” place. Then we get to that dream destination … and still aren’t satisfied. It can seem like a never ending cycle, yet, we all keep coming back to the circus.

Boudoir is an opportunity to actually heal your overall relationship with what you see in the mirror. That’s why most of my client’s completely freak out when they open their galleries and say “OMG THIS IS ME?!” It’s an opportunity to see yourself in a way you never have before. It’s a chance to really develop a relationship with your body you never had. It’s a chance to heal.

Boudoir is so much more than photographs, it’s a chance to be at peace with the war you’ve waged endlessly against your body.

All I can truly say is, do it when you’re ready … but don’t wait forever, because your body deserves it.

With love and lingerie,

Marla Chicky

Heal your body image through Boudoir Photography ♡.


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So you’re gearing up for the most important day of your life, your wedding day. You’ve met the man of your dreams, got past the growing pains of living together, and then he popped the question with a stunning diamond you approved of.

Since then, every ounce of your free time (and spare change) over the last year has gone towards planning all the intricate details of your big day. Your bridal gown, your florist, your DJ, your shower, your bachelorette party – your full Pinterest board coming to life in real time. And QUICK!

Now it’s time to decide what in the world to gift your husband on your wedding day! A $2,000 fancy watch? A Whisky glass set? Some custom cuff links? Boxers from Etsy with your face on them?

Decisions, decisions. None of which options scratch the itch.

Then you’re out to Sunday Funday in Hoboken, sipping Frosé at Pier 13 with your besties, and you bring up the pressing question.

What the hell should I give ____ for a wedding gift?!

While a little tipsy, one of your bff’s tells you about how she did a boudoir photoshoot for her now husband and he was over the moon upon getting the albums of all her super spicy photos.

She even shows them to you … WOW!

So your gears start turning.

You’ve never had boudoir on your radar before, heck you can barely pronounce the word … but it sounds damn near perfect.

A gift for your husband, but also for you!

Posing in lingerie in front of a stranger sounds a little fucking bizarre, but it seems worth it for the incredible final pics.

So you take the plunge and book your bridal boudoir session!

I have worked with so many brides over the last 2 years and every single one of them tells me “this is a gift for my fiancé, but also for myself“.

Giving your significant other a boudoir album on your wedding day is priceless, it’s a piece of your soul to share with the one you love the most in this world. It’s the cherry on top of one of the happiest days of your life. It’s worth it’s weight in gold.

Plus you get fire nudes during the absolute prime of your life, what could seriously be better?

And I can guarantee that your wedding boudoir album will blow your future husband away … more then any Etsy boxers ever could :).

Just keep in mind that here at Chicky Shoots Boudoir we use an album company that makes everything by HAND. The quality is nothing short of luxury, but with that comes a 4-6 week wait time for delivery. I always encourage upcoming brides to book at least 6 weeks in advance so we can guarantee delivery in time for your big day.

You can even visit my Amazon Bridal Lingerie shop to prepare for you session here. Who doesn’t die for Prime?

And I’ll leave you with some bridal boudoir shots from my latest session!

With love,

Marla Chicky

A wedding gift your husband will actually want … boudoir! ♡.


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2 WHOLE YEARS ♡.  I can’t believe it has been two years since @chickyshootsboudoir_ was born + evolved far beyond my wildest dreams.  I photographed my 1st “real” client 6/21/2021, and now here we are ✨.

It is important I stop for a second to thank each of the women I photographed these past 2 years.  Thank you for picking me to share this intimate experience with, to build your confidence, bare your soul + gift yourself with the greatest self-love experience around.

YOU are the sole reason I do this work, hustle at 2 jobs, edits for endless hour and give up all my weekends.  Seeing your reactions when you receive your photographs is my greatest gift 🥺.

And to everyone who supports this business, to Tai who creates the most stunning make-up and hair around, to those who have booked upcoming sessions, and to those who just follow

along on Instagram to celebrate our art — I see you and value you beyond measure 💕.

Here’s to 2 years — I’m so proud of this moment 🦋.

Chicky Shoots Boudoir Rings in 2 Years of Business ♡.


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I was thrilled when my beautiful client Kristine decided to do an interview sharing what her boudoir experience with us was like! She is a mom of 4 beautiful daughters and waited over a YEAR before finally committing to doing a boudoir session with me. Since then, she’s been in the studio for a second time where we did some 40th birthday boudoir celebrations!

Kristine and I were able to chat about how meaningful boudoir photography has been to her. She recently underwent weight loss surgery and hit her goal of losing 60 pounds! Since boudoir can be an investment, she budgeted for months before her session. We chatted through Instagram direct message for quite some time and she finally took the plunge and booked!

I cherish her so much as a client and felt so honored we were able to share boudoir together. As a mom, wife, and gastric sleeve warrior her boudoir experience was the icing on the cake in honoring her body.

Someone recently told me “mom’s need boudoir photos more than anyone”, and this is so incedibly true. Motherhood changes you so much physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many moms put their wants/needs/desires totally on the back burner for years while they raise children. They sacrifice absolutely everything they have to give their children the best life humanely possible.

Boudoir finally allows mothers to gain something back for themselves that’s been hiding in the shadows.

I’m so blessed to honor motherhood through boudoir daily.

Enjoy a sneak peak at Kristine’s beautiful gallery!

2 Time Boudoir Client Shares Her Experience ♡.