come on in

Hi, pretty!

I'm Marla Chicky – your personal boudoir cheerleader! My sole mission is to help you feel empowerment > fear in front of the lens.

Chicky Shoots Boudoir of Annapolis, Maryland is for YOU. You in this very moment, not when you lose the last 10 lbs, not when you have ‘someone’ to send your pictures to, and not because you need to prove you're hot to some random IG follower. 

Like almost every woman I know, I too have faced many years of incessant criticism when looking in the mirror (the scale fluctuations, a slight Botox addiction, and way too much money spent on eyelashes/glue on nails … I feel you, boo).

— amanda

“It's  hard to express the level of joy these Chicky Shoots photos bring to me. In my first video I posted about our photoshoot, I described what I had gone through with my accident in 2019. Obviously it was a rough time for multiple reasons, but even with the long list of injuries I had suffered, I think the hardest part for me was losing my ability to smile. Even when I finally had something to smile about again as my recovery moved along, I still physically couldnt smile for the longest time, It's hard to think that such a simple ability I took for granted could have such a big impact on my soul. My nerves took their sweet time, but today I am able to smile even bigger and brighter than ever before. I know for damn sure I will never take for granted having the ability to smile ever again. Thank you Marla for giving me that, you were such a pleasure to work with!” 

I've walked many miles in your shoes and it wasn't until I started shooting boudoir that my mindset began to shift.  Thank you to every single one of our clients for letting us see the beauty of the female body, in all of its unique forms.

Our chickys always come in a little nervous, but quickly check their self-doubt at the door and leave feeling like a goddess. Most importantly, we have an all out girl's day accompanied by good tunes, laughs, bubbly + become fast BFFS.

We will go through your photos about 1 week after your shoot (or sooner depending on scheduling) and narrow down your absolute favs. Chicky Shoots Boudoir offers 6 breathtaking luxury collections to pick from so your photos will be kept alive in print forever.

Our team can tell you you're hot AF … now let us show you!

boudoir magic 


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Chicky Shoots

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