If I had a dollar for every time a client told me they can’t do a boudoir session UNTIL they _______. Fill in the blank negative talk about their body. I truly would be the next Kardashian :).
Although I completely understand wanting to be in a comfortable place with your body before your photoshoot, you don’t need to be in the PERFECT place.
As women, we are always just 10-15-20 more pounds away from this ever elusive “perfect” place. Then we get to that dream destination … and still aren’t satisfied. It can seem like a never ending cycle, yet, we all keep coming back to the circus.
Boudoir is an opportunity to actually heal your overall relationship with what you see in the mirror. That’s why most of my client’s completely freak out when they open their galleries and say “OMG THIS IS ME?!” It’s an opportunity to see yourself in a way you never have before. It’s a chance to really develop a relationship with your body you never had. It’s a chance to heal.
Boudoir is so much more than photographs, it’s a chance to be at peace with the war you’ve waged endlessly against your body.
All I can truly say is, do it when you’re ready … but don’t wait forever, because your body deserves it.
With love and lingerie,
Marla Chicky